Before you can nail down your prices you need to ask yourself, “Who is my target audience and demographic?” While it’s super easy to throw out an answer like “women under the age of 25,” it’s more difficult to tell if that is who will actually be buying your work or product. At the end of the day, you want a rewarding relationship with your customers, and that is why it is important to figure out who it is that is actually interested in buying your work.

Where to Start?
Whether you are just starting out or if you’ve been making sales for a long time, these questions are a great reflection to help hone in on your target audience:
What are the interests of someone who would hang/use this in their home?
What do they value? (i.e. I know people who buy my work value handmade products and art)
How old are they?
What is the motivation for buying (is it a gift or for themselves)?
Are they appreciators of DIY or do they want to buy a finished product
The Importance of Flexibility and Keeping Track
Once you start to identify who it is that is going to buy your work, you’re off to a great start. Always remember that it’s good to have a goal audience when you start, but what’s more important is to remain flexible as your audience will develop over time once you make sales. Who you thought would originally be buying your work may turn out to be totally different than who actually ends up buying it.
Tip #1
Take note of who is buying your work (seems like a no-brainer, but spend some time seeing where your customers live/who they are: develop a relationship with customers wherever possible). This is the biggest thing that helps you land on who exactly is your target audience
Tip #2
If you are on Instagram, make sure it's a business account. This way you can use IG stats to see who your audience is. They have a ton of helpful information like ages and locations of who is interested in your work.

Variety is Key
It’s also important to remember that keeping a variety of work or inventory available will help broaden your audience (which is always a good thing). Different work will be geared towards different audiences. For example, my plants and trees are definitely for an audience that appreciates handmade craft, appreciates the natural world. While my larger landscape pieces are for the same audience, this buyer also must highly value owning art and have the means to put in the investment required for one of my more expensive pieces.
Tip #3
Have varied products that will appeal to different demographics (some prints, some DIY, some under $100 and others in the “fine art” range of $150+). See what sells the most. I like to have a diverse price range so as not to pigeon hole myself into too specific an audience.